Betsy J. Parker
Betsy J. Parker doesn’t remember a time in her life she wasn’t making something from any materials available. The need to create is at the heart of who she is. She began college studies in art and, being practical, finished a degree in sociology. A potter friend introduced me to stoneware and porcelain and clay took over. She became known for animal forms with happy, endearing expressions – both in sculptural and functional work at shows across 5 states. Moving to Wilmington brought her more contact with wonderful artists and opportunities for workshops with two visiting artists from China as well as other experts.
Currently, she works in clay and mixed media. Hand-building is her preferred process; animals and happy faces are often the subject matter; and the magic of raku firing one of her favorite firing methods. All her work is from her own original designs and done by her hands. Her intention is that anyone who chooses to live with some of her work will find it brings them smiles on a regular basis! There have been awards and ribbons from exhibits and festivals, but her most cherished prizes are the number of smiles the pieces collect along the way.